The Leys Digital Archive

Welcome to The Leys Digital Archive

Here you will find digital copies of the school magazine, The Leys Fortnightly, made available following a digitisation project generously funded by the Old Leysian Society, matched with further funding by the school. Currently available are:

Vols. 1-2                 1876 – 1878 (+ supplements for July 1879 and 1880)
Vols. 39-45             1914 – 1921
Vols. 64-99             1939 – 1975

Occasional publications such as Speech Day programmes, alternative magazines and lists of OLs in War Service that were included in annual volumes of the Fortnightly have also been digitised and most appear in their own right. All publications are searchable and may be viewed as an Adobe pdf image or as the OCR document created by the scanning process.

If you have any queries please contact Mrs Alison Lainchbury (Archivist) at
